Arpac 25TW-28 Tray Shrink Wrapper and Heat Tunnel

Item Type: Tray Shrink Wrapper
Manufacturer: Arpac
Model: 25TW-28
Serial: 5744
Year: 2003
Dimensions: 10 long x 4 wide x 6 tall
Condition: Good

Product Inquire


Last wrapping bottles in trays with clear film, 28″ wide – 12 1/2 inch tall seal bar, Heat Tunnel included, Runs up to 20 packages/minute, 35 inch infeed/discharge elevation, Right to Left Flow Machine from Operator Panel, Allen Bradley SLC 5/03 PLC, 480 Volts, 3 Phase, 60 HZ, Steel-It Gray Paint, Low Film Alert, Central Point Lubrication, 80 PSI Air Minimum, Turbo Cooling, Intralox Conveyor Chain in Heat Tunnel